6 Ways to Edit Your Wardrobe to Boost Your Wellbeing
Your wardrobe has the power to transform how you feel about yourself.
Little wonder then that it can be a source of great joy or discomfort to so many of us. It’s also why it can be one of the most troublesome spaces in your home to edit and organise well.
With so many different approaches to organising clothing and wardrobes e.g. Marie Kondo’s ‘spark joy’ and folding techniques, capsule wardrobes, consolidating or separating seasonal items, as well as all manner of storage solutions, it can be easy to lose your confidence or feel overwhelmed and not know where to start.
I think this is because more often than not it’s the sneaky self-image issues that are hiding behind the clothes that are causing the frustration, which leads to our wardrobe becoming overstuffed and disorganised.
And when we try to adhere to an organising approach or method that doesn’t address these, or resonate with us, we can end up repeating the habits that are keeping us stuck.
So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, frustrated or uninspired by the state of your wardrobe, I’d encourage you to try a gentler, kinder approach to getting it organised, with a focus first on how you want to feel.
When you approach decluttering your wardrobe from this perspective it can make the process simpler and SO much more fun!
Here are my top tips for editing your wardrobe to boost your confidence and wellbeing:
1. Shop your wardrobe. Make the most of what you have.
Before you declutter too many of your clothes challenge yourself to wear everything in your closet at least once before throwing anything away. This will highlight the clothes you tend to reach for again and again and the ones you instinctively don’t.
You might also try hanging or grouping pieces in different or more interesting ways. An individual item might not ‘spark joy’ on its own, but when paired with another piece or something unexpected it will come alive for you.
2. Dress the body you have now
Pay attention to how your clothes make you feel, and how your body feels in them. Release clothes that are making you feel bad or uncomfortable. I know that for many of us fluctuating size can be a challenge. So any clothes that don’t currently fit ask yourself: if they did fit would I still wear that style?
And for those pieces you love but that aren’t quite right – remember you can always use a tailor to modify clothes so that they fit better and can have a new lease on life.
3. Edit your clothes with a focus on feeling good about yourself
As you sort through your clothes ask yourself: how would my most confident self dress? Does this item represent who I am now? Is it helping me feel good about myself? Does this piece belong in my future? If not, it’s okay to let it go.
4. Think less but better
Consider that on average we wear 20% of our wardrobe 80% of the time. Knowing this, it makes sense to invest your money in classic and quality pieces and be thoughtful about what you bring into your wardrobe.
This saves you time and money, as your clothes last longer which means you can shop less often. It also results in less waste and greater sustainability.
You also tend to take better care of quality items which also sends a message that you’re taking better care of yourself.
5. Choose storage that makes dressing a pleasure
When it comes to storage – think about how YOU use the space, what works for your space and not how you think it should be organised.
The vertical file folding approach is not for everyone, but if it works for you, go with it. Equally if it works better for you to have everything hung up, or if you only have room for drawers or labelled tubs, try that instead.
Sometimes, something as simple as swapping out bulky or mismatching hangers for slim-line flocked ones, or matching wooden ones, can make a big difference to improving how your wardrobe functions and how you feel about it.
6. Finally, experiment and enjoy the process
Try different things, have fun. Be inspired. Create a style board on Pinterest of someone’s style or closet that you admire then try adapting it for yourself. Clothing is such a wonderful means of self-expression and a way to feel good about yourself.
Your wardrobe is a space that you engage with every single day, so it is worth the time and energy to change the way you think about using the space and how you edit and organise your clothes within it.
The impact on your wellbeing and confidence can be truly transformative!
If you would like help with decluttering and or organising your wardrobe or other area of your home please do get in touch. I love a chat and offer free initial consultations. You can also follow me on Facebook or Instagram for more handy hints and tips!