Why decluttering is so important for self-care

Having an organised home isn’t just for the sake of surface appearance. It’s more profoundly a foundation and philosophy for living, that is deeply steeped in mental health and wellbeing. When you take care of your surroundings, you take care of yourself.

That’s why decluttering can be such a powerful transformational practice in your life. Letting go of excess things creates space for YOU – space to breath, space to rest, space to be creative, and just be.   

The challenge comes when we know what needs to be done, but the question becomes: how? How do we summon up the energy or the time? How can we effectively declutter our lives so we may also declutter our minds? How can we find the courage? 

A good way to start is to ask yourself the question: 
Is this space helping me be the best version of myself? 

You will know and likely FEEL the answer to this right away. This knowledge can be a powerful incentive to make a change.  

Consider decluttering as an important act of self-care. It’s not something you should do. It’s an activity that you can choose to do to help you feel better about yourself and about your home.  

Once you are feeling ready and committed to reclaiming your space you may still need some help setting yourself up for success.  

If you need an inspired first step – here are some tips to get you going.

  1. Take just one practical, active step forward – eg set a dedicated time on your calendar to start your decluttering project or make a call to ask for help. You don’t have to do this all on your own. Consider calling a professional organiser (you provide the challenge, we as organisers bring in the enthusiasm, dedicated time and know-how to get the ball rolling and build your momentum) 🙂

  2. Start small and choose your own path. What space in your home, once decluttered, would help you feel really good right now?

  3. Use the 4 box method for decluttering: Rubbish, Recycle, Other Room (move it to where it should belong), Rehome (donate/ sell/ gift). Work in short bursts – 20 minutes at a time. Take breaks.

  4. Ask yourself what you truly want. Does this item make my life better? Do I love it? Remember, it’s ok to let go of things that don’t serve you or your current time of life. Hold space for yourself in the present moment.

  5. There is no right or perfect way to do this. Just start. Starting generates momentum and it’s so much easier to keep going when you’re already in motion.

  6. Know that this is an ongoing practice. It gets easier when you practice little bits of decluttering often. Rinse and repeat. Rinse and repeat. This will help you overcome the resistance and feelings of overwhelm and build your decluttering muscle.

Your home is your sanctuary. It’s your space to thrive. A calm, clutter-free space reminds you that you deserve beauty, comfort, ease, and convenience. You deserve to feel good in your space!  

So have a think…how do you want to feel in your space? Relaxed, calm, inspired, energised, creative? What does your ideal sanctuary feel like and what small change could you make to get closer to that?


If you would like help with decluttering your home please do get in touch. I love a chat and offer free initial consultations. You can also follow me on Facebook or Instagram for more handy hints and tips!